This is Jon Watts. Jon is half owner and full workhorse of Meadowlark Farm. In this photo he is performing his Tuesday and Friday work: cleaning salad greens. It looks as if he is going fly fishing complete with net. Bet some days he'd like to.
With whiffs of the best 70's and 80's music dancing around them, the salad washing crew skim away dirt, yellowed leaves and bugs. If you're a CSA member, you must have noticed that your greens are filled with rhythm. All of it good stuff.
Now we're at bugs. Since Jon and Jenny run their farm organically (though they are not certified because they don't feel a need to hassle with the paperwork) bugs are a large part of their existence. As are the weather and larger pests. Jon, it turns out, is the Bug Man. He sprays soapy water on the kale for mites. Skimming through salad mix he finds a goodly array of bugs.
Whenever Jon finds some bug he hasn't seen before, he studies it. He missed his calling in entymology we think. The bugs on Meadowlark produce are honored bugs. They get Jon's full attention: he sketches their portraits.
They become immortal.
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